Loretto’s Homecoming weekend for alumnae is Sept. 27th - 28th. Purchase tickets here.

Benefits & Qualifications

Scholarship Benefits

Each Challenge Scholar receives the following as part of their scholarship:

  • Tuition assistance for 100% of the tuition fees
  • Assistance with school uniforms
  • Access to a personal computer
  • Access to tutoring
  • Mentoring by an accomplished woman from the community
  • Assistance with school fees and incidental fees for sports, clubs, and school-sponsored events
  • Assistance with college readiness programs, summer enrichment programs, and college campus visits

Prospective Challenge Scholars

The Loretto Academy Challenge Program recruits 4th grade girls from local schools during the months of April and May. Qualified scholars are:

  • Intelligent, ambitious, and hard-working
  • Respectful to adults and peers
  • Willing to commit their time and effort to the program
  • Strongly supported by their parents/guardians who can be involved in their education and well-being
  • Our scholars’ families demonstrate significant financial need and a commitment to education
  • Achieving above grade level scores in reading and math
  • Inquisitive and demonstrating a love of learning
  • Capable of completing 2+ hours of homework each night
  • Consistent with attendance and completing homework
  • A citizen of the United States

If you know a child who is a good candidate for the Challenge Program Scholarship we would love to hear from you! A reminder: to apply for this scholarship, your child must be currently enrolled in 4th grade, with an excellent attendance record, and be doing well in school. Thank you for your interest. We look forward to speaking with you!

If you have questions about the Challenge Program, contact Sylvia Hernandez at 915-566-8400 or shernandez@loretto.org.

Support Loretto
Support Loretto

With your support, we can continue educating young leaders, make our school more inclusive with the addition of an elevator, support more students with tuition assistance, retain and attract highly-qualified educators, and maintain and improve our school grounds.

Donate Today!