A Note from the Principal
Dear Loretto Academy Parents,
It is with great joy and anticipation that I welcome you to Loretto Academy and the 2024-2025 school year!
As the Loretto Academy Middle School Principal, I bring to you my 31 years of experience in education. I have served the El Paso community as a teacher, Assistant Principal, Principal, Human Resources Director and Executive Director, and Assistant Superintendent prior to my arrival here at Loretto. My core values are deeply aligned to the Loretto Academy School Values of Faith, Community, Justice and Respect. I am passionate about teaching and learning and the transformative power of education. Serving the students, parents, faculty and staff of this renowned community is a privilege for which I am truly grateful to God.
This school year will be an eventful one for your daughter, for you, her parents, and for the Loretto Academy faculty and staff. I look forward to meeting you and enjoying the traditions and activities together with your family in the true spirit of our Christian faith.
Let Loretto be Loretto. Forever.
Mrs. Nancy Tovar Principal
Nancy Tovar
(915) 566-8400
In addition to the standard curriculum required by the State of Texas, Loretto Academy incorporates the following programs to ensure we are working with parents to form our students into intellectual young women who are prepared to lead with compassion and justice.
In middle school, the religion program becomes much more in-depth. The students are taught to understand Bible passages, and how they relate to everyday life. In their religion class, the students start with a daily Scripture reading to build and intensify their relationship with God. The girls are taught to experience their faith in different ways, and participate in a living rosary, daily and Lenten devotions, and often receive the sacrament of Reconciliation. The girls also obtain hands on experience while celebrating Mass, where they keep the tradition started in the Elementary School of serving as ministers and lectors. Middle school girls also begin experiencing annual religious retreats, where they bond with their classmates, and strengthen their faith and relationship with God.
Service learning has always been a major part of our curriculum. It is a method of teaching that integrates community service, teaches responsibility, and brings the community together. Through service learning, we instill a generous and giving heart in our students. We teach them how important it is to give to those who are less fortunate than them. We show them that even when we do not have money or material things to give, we can offer our time, talent, and prayers to help those in need.
Each year, classes choose a nonprofit organization or cause in the El Paso and Juarez community and serves them throughout the academic year by volunteering their time, giving donations, and by hosting events. Learn more about the students’ service learning projects here.
The robotics program continues into the middle school. The team, AngelBots Blue, has completed projects such as the development of “Plasti-Crete,” an original type of concrete made from the plastic bottles as a solution to minimize the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch” that is currently contaminating our oceans.
Using Khan Academy, the middle school girls learn how important math is to make Disney and Pixar movies and make their own animations using the same techniques. Middle school students participate in an annual science fair, where they ask and define problems, use models, investigate, interpret data, and find solutions, to then compete with each other to qualify for city or state wide competitions.
The middle and high school art programs feature a competitive curriculum that motivates young girls to be expressive and push the boundaries of their creativity. Loretto’s art program features different enrichment and elective courses, and AP level classes.
The middle school music program introduces students to various instruments, including the ukulele, guitar, and piano. Students can also take voice class and be part of Loretto’s beautiful middle school show choir. With harmonizing voices, the girls sing at special masses and events, including their own show choir performance each semester.
Mr. Michael Hernandez is the Band Director for Loretto’s Middle and High School Band. For more information, please email Mr. Hernandez at mhernandez@loretto.org
Loretto Academy is home to newly renovated, state-of-the-art Little Theater. Our award-winning TAPPS Theater Company, Angels in the Wings, performs three different plays: a one-act show in the fall, a spring play, and a spring musical.
Loretto Academy’s famous Orchesis dance club is one of Loretto’s longest standing student organization. It has earned a reputation for being a competitive dance group. The Orchesis girls perform at various school and city events, including the Diocesan Raffle, the All Academy Mass, and other charity events. Each year, Orchesis officers visit New York City’s Broadway Dance Center, where they learn a routine, and bring it back to show their peers, and perform in their different shows.

With your help, we can continue educating young leaders, support more students with tuition assistance, retain and attract highly-qualified educators, and maintain and update our school grounds. We are currently working to update our HVAC system in the gym and middle/high school building.
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